
The Benefits of Raised Flooring in an Office

by Philippa Cassar


We prioritise the person who will spend most of their waking hours within spaces we provide.

If you’re unsure as to what raised flooring is, you’re probably standing on top of one right now, or at least, you certainly have at some point in an office space.

A raised floor system is an elevated floor on top of a building’s substrate (the original floor) under which electrical wires, computer systems and other elements are routed. Also known as raised access flooring, a raised floor is formed by square panels next to each other, which are placed on a grid that is lifted by adjustable height pedestals. The panels themselves can be designed to simulate a variety of finishes, such as wood tiles or linoleum carpet.

Raised flooring has become an essential spatial feature for contemporary and sustainable offices. Not only do they allow for easier access to utilities when it comes to maintenance, but their structure is also beneficial to the office space in a number of ways. The plenum chamber that is formed between the substrate and the panels helps spread cold air uniformly and efficiently throughout the space, and can also provide sustainable heating through the floor gap in the winter.

The space underneath raised flooring allows for wires to be more discreet, thus reducing tripping hazards and unsightly desks. Their position within this chamber also protects them from overheating, and this also applies to any computer systems that have been installed within it. By having all of this relegated underneath a raised flooring system, you’ve automatically garnered more space within your office.

We partner with some of the top flooring manufacturers in the industry, such as Forbo, Project FloorsFloorlab and Skema, and we’ll be happy to put over 10 years of experience in flooring supply to work to help you find a perfect solution for your environment.

Get in touch!